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Embracing lifelong learning is crucial for staying successful in your role as a community leader. With access to various educational resources and the ability to connect with mentors and other professionals in your field, there are endless opportunities for personal and professional growth.

You can stay ahead of the curve by establishing realistic goals, staying organized, and resolving to push forward through challenges. Leadership Kitsap shares more tips for thriving as a community leader!

Benefits to Community Leaders

In case you’re doubting that can lifelong learning is worth the effort, consider these benefits (which many other community leaders can attest to!):

How To Learn More

Lifelong learning is all about adopting the right mindset and playing the long game. Here are some practical ways to expand your horizons bit by bit:

Other Tips for Succeeding 

Your educational pursuits alone are not enough to maximize the benefits of lifelong learning. Take these last few tips with you on your journey!

Becoming a lifelong learner is an essential component of growing as a community leader. By following the tips and resources above, you can keep evolving and taking on more difficult challenges as you pursue personal and professional growth. You might be surprised by how these practices can better equip you to lead your community and make an impact far beyond what you could achieve with traditional learning alone!

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Shauna Friedman has made volunteering and activism a driving force in her life and regularly volunteers for local organizations, canvas for political candidates she believes in, and demonstrate support issues that are important to them and the world. She created Service Powered to encourage others to make community action a central aspect of how they live their lives.